Track Interlockings
- VSŽ Safety installation for feed hopper over K 622 on the Blast -Furnace Slag place
- VSŽ St. 7 - MV and safety gear of switch V 767 A
- Complete overhaul of saf. gear - St. 32 - feed hopper of Raw materials
- VSŽ - Compl. overhaul of saf.gear . - DÚ - Steel-Works
- VSŽ Steel - Works, Compl. overhaul of trackage and st. Haniska entrance Copl. overhaul of saf. gear. entrance tracks St. 2,4
- VSŽ , Compl. overhaul of saf. gear St.22 ŠR CPR II. stage
- Aut. saf.gear - controlling of switch V 190 from St. S 19
- Safeguarding of trackage TSS in railway station Haniska pri Košiciach
- Road I/65 Nová Baňa - safety install. , signalling systems
- RZZ Liptovský Mikuláš
- Vrútky - Zvolen PZS km 304, 363 and 304, 812
- ŽSR, žst. Kysak – Modernisation of interlocking plant
- ŽSR, žst. Liptovský Mikuláš – Modernisation of railway station interl.plant
- U.S.Steel Košice – Modification of safety installations on IB 19, 22
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